Thursday, January 24, 2013

My vegan creations!

1. Calliflower mashed potatoes. Steamed cauliflower with minced garlic, parsley a little bit of vegan butter topped w tomatoes. Yum!

2. Sered tofu, risotto and Brussels sprouts. So simple!

3. Seared tofu w mushrooms, quinoa, roasted cabbage and broccoli. Delicious!

4. Black beans w whole grain rice flavored w cumin, garlic, hot sauce with steamed zucchini and spinach. Takes 10 minutes to make.

5. Rotel spaghetti topped w veggies w steamed cabbage and spinach. Discover nutritional yeast if you're a cheese lover

6. BLT. Tempeh bacon, lettuce.and tomato topped with daiya cheese on Ezekiel bread. Um, yummy!

7. Calliflower mashed potatoes topped with veggie chicken and sauteed veggies. Takes 20 mins. Simple

8. Seared tofu stirfry on wheat soba noodles. Just throw in any veggies you want with shoyu sauce. One of my faves!

9. Vegan cookies from whole foods. Heavenly!

10. Most important part of my day, nutriblast! Spinach with fruit and add chia or flax seeds

I will continue posting more recipes as I make them but try some of this stuff! Its simple and delicious :) and healthy most importantly. I try to avoid the fake meats bc they're so processed but I need some every so often. And anything is better than dead antibiotic hormone filled flesh from a tortured animal who wanted to live :)

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