Saturday, February 9, 2013

Nutritional yeast and daiya, my bffs

Cheese. So good, yet so bad for you. Cheese is truly addicting, no lie! So when people say they're addicted to cheese, its the truth! Did you know that that yummy cheese also has puss and blood in it? Not so yummy right? If you really stop to think about the fact that it cones from a cow boon, it's not so appetizing. A lot.of people are grossed out by human breast milk. This makes no sense to me. So human milk is disgusting but you drink milk from a cows boob? Personally, I think I'd rather drink a humans milk if I had to choose. For now I will stick to almond milk. Ok so back to cheese. Vegans sometimes miss cheese so for those cravings and to get a cheesy taste in a dish, we use nutritional yeast. Perfect name for it bc its very nutritional packed full of b vitamins and amino acids. We need those! I've used it in pasta sauces, cheese grits sprinkled over popcorn, the possibilities are endless! Go grab some at whole foods. Its worth the price!
Another cheese substitiute I love is daiya cheese. I melt it on my Ezekiel bread when I need a cheese fix. So when you think you can't live without cheese, try these options! And BTW, that's BS. Everyone can live without cheese and happily at that!

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