Thursday, February 28, 2013

Tofu "egg" salad!

So eggs are really pretty gross if you really think about it. They even smell gross. Think about what you're eating. Another creatures eggs. When my sister had invitro and had some leftover eggs, I didn't want to boil scramble or do anything with them so why do we with hens?
But every once in awhile I crave some kind of salady type food, chicken, egg, tuna whatever so I used tofu to create the perfect egg salad! I made a big batch to eat on through the week. EST part, the egg won't go bad in a day!
Tofu crumbled
Vegan mayo
Dijon mustard
Lots of celery
Garlic powder
A friend suggested additional.g pickle. Will for do that next week! This is simple and CHEAP!

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