Sunday, February 24, 2013

Stupid fad diets! Omg so glad I will never do it again!

So these days there's far too many plus some new ones I've recently learned of including the keto diet. That one sounds awesome. Eat all fats and proteins all week then carb load and eat minimal fruit every weekend. That sounds healthy. Probably great for your heart too. Not.
When it comes to fad diets, I know all about them. I've done Atkins, Jenny Craig and have even taken phentermine to make me not eat. The one thing they all have in common is failure. Sure they may work for short term but you can't do these forever. Jenny Craig has a good main point of cutting portion size which I totally agree with however, everything they have is processed and full of crap! Not healthy! And weight watchers, I can eat potato chips and save all my points for the day for beer. Fun, but not healthy.
Everyone is always wanting to lose weight looking for the quick fix. We should be focusing more on being healthy. When you eat healthy your body will repay you by shedding the weight and you will feel great! What's the answer to how do do that? Simple. Vegetables and fruits. Vegan or not, we can all stand to eat more veggies and fruits. I myself don't eat meat but if that isn't for you, try smaller portions of meat and more veggies and whole grains. I'm a huge quinoa and rice girl. They're great for you and give you that full feeling. I know what some of you are thinking... rice has carbs! Yes but brown rice is a good carb! Not a bad carb like white rice or mashed potatoes. I love carbs. I always get so pissed when people are saying they're cutting carbs then chow down on some bacon. I mean really, you think that's healthy? If you do, you're cray. Bottom line, eat vegetables! Eat fruit! Eat nuts and seeds! Eat dark chocolate! Just make small choices and they will lead to big differences.
I'm not saying I'm right and everyone else is wrong. I'm just sharing my experiences. AND mist importantly, I am by all means not in perfect shape obviously. I have plenty of fat parts including my jelly tummy. I'm not trying to be perfect at all. I just want to be healthy and happy! When you stop obsessing over your weight and focus more on treating your body right and being healthy, you really will see results. And it's so easy! So stop counting carbs and points and go eat an apple! And most importantly, enjoy it!!!

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